Depeche Mode: Spirits in the Forest
Across 2017/2018 Depeche Mode embarked on their Global Spirit Tour, in which theyperformed to more than 3 million fans at 115 shows across the globe. This new visually-striking film,directed by award-winning filmmaker and longtime artistic collaborator Anton Corbijn,captures the energy and spectacle of the band’sperformance from the tour along with a deeper look into how theirmusic and showshave been woven into the fabric of their fans’ lives.
Through the deeply emotional stories of six special Depeche Mode fans, the film shows not only how and why the band’s popularity and relevance has continued to grow over the course of their career, but provides a unique look into music’s incredible power to build communities, enable people to overcome adversity, and create connections across the boundaries of language, location, gender, age, and circumstance.
Artfully shot and expertly edited, Depeche Mode: SPIRITS in the Forestgoes beyond the typical concert film, weaving together exhilarating musical performances, filmed at the final shows of the Global Spirit Tourin Berlin’s famed Waldbühne (“Forest Stage”), with intimate documentary footage filmed infans’hometowns across the globe.