Autism Friendly Movie: Thor: Ragnarok

PG13 2 hrs 10 mins Action

Imprisoned, the mighty Thor finds himself in a lethal gladiatorial contest against the Hulk, his former ally. Thor must fight for survival and race against time to prevent the all-powerful Hela from destroying his home and the Asgardian civilization.

Come join us for the “Autism Friendly Movies” program at Emagine. This Autism & Special Needs friendly program is a partnership between Emagine and Centria Autism to make going to the movies a more enjoyable and accessible experience for families, children, and teens on the Autism spectrum. What does Autism Friendly mean?
First, it means sensory friendly (lights up a bit, sound down a bit)
Second, if your child needs to get up, move, dance, sing, no problem!
Third, if your child has food allergies or is a picky eater you’re welcome to bring your own “safe” snack for them.
Finally, since this experience can seem a little overwhelming at first, we’ll have Autism specialists available to answer questions, share tips, techniques and support your family and child to make their experience a fun and entertaining day at the movie! For more information, please visit