Shriek of the Mutilated {1974}
Bigfoot has always been an excessive guy. In THE CAPTURE OF BIGFOOT, he threw a snowmobile at someone’s head. In NIGHT OF THE DEMON, he removed a man’s penis and threw it at a tree. But here, in SHRIEK OF THE MUTILATED, Bigfoot reaches his full potential as a hell-bent master of death, probably because he’s wearing Addidas sneakers. Dr. Prell is obsessed with tracking down Bigfoot (“He’s more raucous than a moose!”), who is reportedly on-the-loose in upstate New York. Prell has a history of “getting people killed” on his missions, but that doesn’t deter a group of students from traveling with him to the woods during the dead of winter. Fear! Death! Severed limbs in backyards! This is a dirt-cheap, surreal gore movie directed, photographed, and edited by sleaze wizards Michael and Roberta Findlay (The “Flesh” Trilogy, SNUFF) and written and produced by Ed Adlum and Ed Kelleher (INVASION OF THE BLOOD FARMERS). A staple of the midnight movie circuit and late night TV, SHRIEK is an essential entry in the 1970s Bigfoot canon.