Silent Madness in 3D {1984}
One of the few slashers produced during the early 1980s revival of 3D movies, SILENT MADNESS knows exactly what audiences want. And it delivers. A glitch in the computer system at an asylum for the criminally insane results in the release of the wrong patient – a homicidal maniac named Howard Johns. It’s up to Joan Gilmore (Belinda Montgomery, DYNASTY), one of the institute’s top doctors, to track him down as the killings begin. Utilizing dreamy gelled lighting, excellent 3-D photography from Gerald Feil (FRIDAY THE 13TH PART III), and over-the-top kills, SILENT MADNESS is a blast from beginning to end — now newly restored from its original 3-D negative by the 3-D Film Archive in partnership with Vinegar Syndrome.