Rules and Regulations
- Only one car is permitted per parking stall and you must park in the stall assigned to you. Staff reserves the right to reassign your parking space to maximize viewing enjoyment for all.
- When outside your vehicle, you must wear a mask and maintain social distancing of at least six feet.
- Drive-in speakers are not available. Sound will be transmitted through FM radio. If your car radio is unavailable, please bring a portable radio.
- Vehicles will not be permitted into the drive-in beyond 15 minutes of showtime. Vehicles are not permitted to leave and re-enter the drive-in.
- Please turn off all vehicle lights after you get into your parking stall and keep them off for the duration of the movie.
- Alcohol is strictly prohibited.
- Do not leave your vehicle unattended.
- All vehicles must be removed from the lot within one hour after the show ends. Unremoved vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense.
- We reserve the right to cancel a showing due to inclement weather conditions to ensure both the safety of our guests and that optimal viewing experiences are met. If a showing is cancelled, you will receive a refund for your ticket from Emagine Entertainment.
- Guests cannot sit on top of vehicles—including both the hood and roof areas. If you sit outside your vehicle to view the movie, please remember to be respectful of occupants in neighboring vehicles, stay within your assigned vehicle stall, social distance yourself at least six feet from others outside your party, and wear a mask.
- All vehicles must remain under 10 mph while on the premises.
- If a guest walks off the drive-in property, they will not be permitted to re-enter.
- We are not responsible for the personal property of guests while on the premises—including any belongings or vehicles—nor liable for any items that might be lost or stolen while on-site.
- Pets and animals of any kind are not permitted, except for guide dogs and/or assistance animals.
- Weapons, noisemakers, fireworks, and explosives of any kind are strictly prohibited from being brought onto the premises.
- Laser pointers or shining of any lights on the movie screen are strictly prohibited.
- The use of any camera or audio recording device to record the movie is strictly prohibited.
- Be courteous too other guests’ enjoyment of the show – please no horn honking, vulgar/profane language, or loud noises.
- Please be considerate and pick up your trash and dispose of it in the trash cans provided.
- All ticket sales are final, and refunds will be provided only in the event that the movie is cancelled due to inclement weather conditions.
- You may order off-site food to be delivered to the drive-in. All deliveries of food can only be delivered to, and picked up from, the marked delivery zone on the premises. We are not responsible for any order discrepancies.
Guests (and all occupants of that vehicle) found not in compliance or adhering to any of the above Rules & Regulations, or otherwise found to be disruptive to other guests or surrounding neighbors, will be subject to immediate removal from the theater premises by security personnel without issuance of a refund.